Death Note: Kira Game is based on the anime Death Note, where a high school student finds a notebook dropped by a death god who has the power to destroy any person whose name is written within 30 seconds, in any way. The student takes on Kira's identity, who utilizes the book's influence to fulfill his own dream of justice, and is pursued by a secret organization headed by the boy-genius L.
Either Kira or L take on the part of the hero. The player must try to deduce who their enemy is and Kira must try to discover the identity of L and vice versa. This plays out in three phases: Investigation, where the player discusses the case and clues with other characters; Voting, where each member of the investigation team casts a vote on who they suspect is L or Kira based on player performance in the previous phase; and L or Kira, where the player can either focus their investigation on one member to see if they are Kira (when playing as L) or force a member off of the team (when playing as Kira).