Alex Rider: Stormbreaker is a game based on the British movie Stormbreaker. The story features a a fourteen year-old orphan called Alex who lives with his uncle Ian Rider, which is a spy of the MI6. In one mission Ian dies, and that's when Alex begins to investigate and he discovers that his uncle was a spy for the MI6. Then, the young boy is recruited by the MI6 to go undercover in an operation to investigate Herod Sayle who is going to give a Stormbreaker Computer to every school in Britain.
The game features screen captures of the film to convey the story and capitalizes on the action sequences in the movie.
The player controls Alex from a third person perspective in a 3D game world. The player gets to play stealth missions and combat missions, as well as driving vehicles and different mini games such as playing snooker against the AI, horse riding and going down a rope slide. Each mission has different bosses and many items to collect.