Spin the WHEEL... OF FORTUNE! Test your luck and your skill with over 750 authentic Wheel of Fortune puzzles. Realistic gameplay and sound effects, built-in speech and all the most interesting and exciting TV game show!
Wheel of Fortune for GameCom is an adaptation of a popular TV game show in which contestants spin a wheel to win money and must guess the letters in a puzzle.
The game can be played by up to three players. If only one human player is available, he plays against the AI opponent. Before starting the game, players can choose their appearance from a variety of male and female portraits. The game makes full use of the touch interface. The game screen displays a word puzzle at the top, the current player and their score in the center, and an input panel (with possible actions and a virtual keyboard for entering letters) at the bottom. As the wheel spins, it and a close-up of the wheel's values are superimposed on the game screen. The game follows the rules of the TV show, with three regular rounds and a final bonus round for the contestant who wins the most money.
The game includes 750 word puzzles in over a dozen categories.