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Game Chrono Cross (PlayStation - ps1)
Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the PlayStation video game console. This is a continuation of Chrono Trigger, which was released in 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Chrono Cross was developed in the first place, writer and director Masato Kato and other designers of Chrono Trigger, including art director Yasuyuki Honne and composer Yasunori Mitsuda. Nobuteru Yuki developed characters in the game.

history of Chrono Cross focuses on a teen named Serge and the theme of parallel worlds. Faced with the alternative reality in which he died, as a child, by Serge tries to find out the truth about the discrepancy between the two worlds. Screaming Thief Kid and many other characters to help him in his travels around the tropical archipelago El Nido. Struggling to uncover his past and find the mysterious Frozen Flame, Serge mainly challenged by the Lynx, shadowy antagonist working to apprehend him.

Upon its release in Japan in 1999 and in North America in 2000, Chrono Cross received high ratings and critical acclaim, receiving a rare perfect score of 10.0 GameSpot. The game comes 1.5 million copies worldwide, which led to the greatest hits and reissue the continuation of life in Japan as part of the Ultimate Hits series. Chrono Cross is scheduled for release on the Japanese PlayStation Network. The area also produced ?Millennium Edition? with calendar, clock and music sampler disc

Chrono Cross has a diverse cast of 45 members of the party. Each character is equipped innate affinity Element and three unique special abilities which absorbed over time. If taken in the world of the opposite of their own characters react to their counterparts (if available). Many of the characters associated with important plot events. Since it is impossible to get all the 45 characters in one pass, the players have to replay the game, to witness everything. Through the use of function New Game +, players can finally get all the symbols on a SAVE. Several characters talk with unique accents, including French and Australian English

Chrono Cross begins with Serge, located in El Nido, a tropical archipelago, populated by ancient natives, the mainland settlers, and people called Demi- of people. Serge slips into another dimension, where he drowned on the beach ten years before, and meets a thief, "The Kid". He learns while infiltration Viper Manor, that in the ten years up to the present time, the universe is divided into two dimensions of one year, in which Sergei lived, and one in which he was killed. After Kid Astral Amulet Charm, Serge travels between measurements. The Forte Dragonia use Dragonian artifact called Tear Dragon, Lynx switches bodies with Serge. Unaware switch, Kid confides in Lynx, who stabs her as a true Serge watches helplessly. Lynx can boast of their victory and banishes Serge in a strange realm called Temporal Vortex. He takes Kid under his wing, brainwashing her to believe the real Serge (in the body of the lynx) is its enemy. Serge escapes with the help of Haarlem. Finding that his new body prevents him from traveling in size, he intends to restore its former body and learn more public split, which occurred ten years ago. He travels to the Forbidden lagoon known as the Dead Sea - the frozen wasteland during dotted with futuristic ruins. At the center, he found a man named Miguel and supposedly the main world Frozen Flame. Charged with the protection of the Dead Sea with the help of an object named FATE, Miguel and three visions Hroo, gauze and Lucca from Chrono Trigger explained that the existence of Serge dooms the future home of the world to destruction. To prevent from getting Serge Frozen Flame, FATE destroys the Dead Sea.

opportunity to return to the other world, Serge allies with acacia dragoons against Porre and locates that Dragon Tear measurement, allowing him to return to his human form. He then enters the sea Idna Another world physical equivalent of the Dead Sea, finding temporary research center called Chronopolis. Lynx and Kid are inside; Serge overcomes Lynx and supercomputer FATE, allowing six Dragon El Nido steal Frozen flame and retire in Terra Tower, massive structure elevated from the seabed. The child falls into a coma, and Harle bet per game goodbye to fly with dragons. Serge rearrangement of his party and tends to Kid, who remains in a coma. Continuing his adventure, he receives and cleans the sword Masamune from Chrono Trigger. Then he uses the power of the dragon, and the dragon tears splinters, to create a mythical Element Chrono Cross. Spiritual power Masamune later allows him to raise a child out of the coma. In Terra Tower, time prophet, showed that Belthasar of Chrono Trigger, visits him with visions of Crono, Lucca and Marley. Serge learns that time, the study object Chronopolis El Nido created thousands of years ago after a catastrophic failure of the pilot drew him to the past. Introduction during a foreign object in the history of the planet has caused to pull in the counterweight from another dimension. It was Din?polis, Dragonians city - a parallel universe descendants Reptites Chrono Trigger. Institutions fought and conquered Chronopolis Dragonians. People took their greatest creation -. The Dragon God, essence, capable of controlling the nature

Chronopolis share this essence into six parts and created a system of elements. Fate then terraforming archipelago, erased the memories of most employees Chronopolis, and sent them to inhabit and populate a new paradise. Thousands of years later, a panther demon attacked the three-year-old Serge. His father took him to find help in Marbule, but the boat tore Serge course due to the raging magnetic storm caused Schala. Schala, the princess of the Kingdom of Zeal, a long time accidentally fell on the ground, known as the Darkness Beyond Time and began to merge with Lavos, the main villain of Chrono Trigger. storm in Schala canceled Chronopolis playing defense and allowed Serge Contact Frozen Flame; approaching it healed Serge, but spoiled by his father. In Scheme Chronopolis then assigned Serge ?arbitrator", while preventing the use FATE Frozen flame to expand. Dragons have been aware of this situation by creating a seventh dragon under the guise of a storm named Harle, who manipulates the Lynx, to try to steal the Frozen Flame for Dragons

If there are multiple scenarios cast one story thread and many different endings, every time you play Chrono Cross can lead to a whole new adventure. In addition, the new combat system makes fighting smooth and innovation through the introduction of an elementary field system and a combo system that gives the player the ultimate in flexibility in its control options.

battle system is a little different from the usual "pick one attack and wait" Eq. Instead, Chrono Cross is the use of glasses endurance. Each character is endowed with a family of stamina points at the beginning of the fight. options battles are divided into weak, medium and strong power with more powerful attacks that require more points endurance. Thus, you can use any combination of moves in the range of seven points. If you want a massive strike, go ahead and pick a strong power of his hour. If you do not want to land the first blow, to pick up weak attack and use your speed.

With character designs by famed Japanese illustrator and music composer of the original Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross features visuals and sounds that bring its magic to life .

* The long-awaited continuation of Chrono Trigger
* Encounter a plurality of game characters and intertwining game scenario
* The unique design eliminates random battles, and experience points
* New visual and audio experience of the original creators
* More than 40 playable characters
* each character has their own backstory
* Special moves, abilities and weapons
* spans two discs Description
< br> manufacturer:

timeless adventure ... twenty years after the events in Chrono Trigger, a new set of adventurers are preparing for battle, which surpass even space and time
  • The long-awaited sequel to one of the favorite. s adventure stories.
  • Multiple playable characters and intertwining of game scenarios,
  • The unique design, which eliminates the random battles, experience points and new visual and sound experience of the original creators.

    • The third person perspective
    • 3D-graphics < li> cartoon graphics
    • Medieval fantasy, SCI-FI & Travels time threads.


Game Name:
Chrono Cross
PlayStation (PS1)
Release Date:
Number of Players:
1 Player