Game Boy Advance - Nintendo's handheld game console (GBA)

1897 games Game Boy Advance
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Waliou Zhizao is a minigame video game released by Nintendo on July 4, 2005 for the Gameboy Advance.

Great game idea in Japanese. Such projects are designed for a rather low gaming audience outside their homeland. But we still have plenty of fans of such creations.

A good toy, practically not suffering from his Japanese speech. Gameplay is always the most important thing, and here it will not be at the expense of everything else. It remains only to rejoice at such glorious game projects.

A game for all lovers of Japanese delicacies, that is, a greater knowledge of their clergy and culture. Naturally, this will be presented in a game way. Such toys will never leave the borders of their homeland.

A decent toy from Japanese manufacturers. You can’t call it amateur, because the passing genre is far from poor and already decently crushes with its quantity. But only a small population of gamers in our country will have a special desire to play this. It's strange, because it's such a good design!

The main character Wario fights enemies, learns new abilities and travels through more than 40 levels in this very exciting game, especially since now Wario is quite vulnerable, and he needs to take care of his health in order not to die. You need to collect heart-shaped icons to restore health; look for treasures, which is sometimes not easy to do. Wario can acquire various new items that will be useful on the journey. In some situations, Wario must become either very heavy, literally bloated, or light and thin, as well as perform other rather strange transformations in order to penetrate inaccessible areas and collect all possible treasures. .

Hey! You! Yes, you! Listen when Wario talks to you! I have just read about this legendary Golden Pyramid and you will help me explore it. There are many treasures and I want to get them all. I'm sure there will be all sorts of weird enemies and big, bad bosses, so if you don't think you can crack it, put the game down. I don't want losers to make me jump into bottomless pits, you hear?

The best choice for a gamer with low gaming experience, because this toy is simple and does not require them to have special knowledge in the field of Western language (Japanese is not mentioned at all). The design of the game is made on a par with the passing ball for this console, but I think that this is not the main thing. The main thing - the maximum possible time, passing mixed with your pleasures. . .

A fun and simple game idea. For a number of good reasons, this gaming product cannot be called a game for children, although it is tentatively designed specifically for them. Playing qualities do not allow talking about this game in bad colors.

Crazy action! Get ready for lightning fast play as you make your way through over 200 whimsical microgames designed by Wario's crazy team of friends! There are even two player contests that can be played on one Game Boy in advance! Take and play! Ultra-simple controls make every game easy to hit...until the games start faster...and faster...and faster!

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