The game - Adventures of Captain Comic, The - Dendy | NES

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Game Adventures of Captain Comic, The (Dendy - nes)
Adventures of Captain Comic, The

An astronaut in a spacesuit and with a pistol, apparently landed on an alien planet, is fighting for his precious life. The graphics may be nice, but they are wretched in themselves, which is in perfect harmony with the wretchedness of the music. Maybe in the future, something interesting will appear in Captain Comic: The Adventure, but at first glance, I would not pay much attention to it.

In general, it turned out to be a very worthy implementation of the game, at the level of arcade platformers of the mid-80s, so Michael confirmed the first point of his guesses. Soft EGA graphics, rather docile controls, interesting level layout - all these are just pluses.

The Adventures of Captain Comedian is a simple platform game. You play as Captain Comedian, a man in a space suit, carrying a lasergun. The objective of the game is to collect the Crown of Ages, the Mystic Pearls of Lascorbanos, and the Thousand Coins of Possession. The game is not linear as you might think, there are actually quite a few routes you could take to complete the game, but the route used in this movie is the fastest one.

Captain Comic or, if you say it in its entirety, Captain Comic: The Adventure is a DOS platform game dated May 1, 1988 (symbolically), made in a classic style by a single developer Michael Denio. However, there is no need to talk about the classics regarding this game, everything in it resembles something, and at the same time, everything here is different. Let's start with the fact that neither the first part of the game nor its sequel are big hits. Rather, these are gray mice, which, without a doubt, entered the golden pool of early games for the IBM PC. What caused it?

Let's go back to the 80s. Pitfall, Ghosts 'N Goblins, followed by Super Mario Bros. and some other hits instilled in gamers a love for platform jump-shooters. Dozens of clones have emerged, including audacious imitators such as the Giana Sisters. You could point your finger at every game and say it was like ..., but with the game in question, such a trick would not work.

When developing Captain Comic: The Adventure, the author set up an experiment to confirm or refute two of his guesses. First, would it be possible to make an arcade-quality game on a typical IBM PC with an EGA (16 colors) graphics card? And secondly, if this can be done, will it be possible to make money on it? As a result, Michael found out the answer to his second question, and we ourselves must answer the first one.

History of space adventures. Three precious treasures have been stolen from the planet Omsoc: Mystical Gems of Lascorbanos, Thousand Coins of Tenure, and Crown of the Ages. It is known for sure that, having passed through the paws of galactic mercenaries, they eventually settled on the distant planet Tambi, where Captain Comic, a hero of a galactic scale, is currently heading. He, by all means, must have time to return the royal jewels before the three millennium festivities. The task is not easy, in his mission through 8 levels, the Comedian will have to find various gizmos to build up his firepower and other abilities.

This is a (non-)standard platformer with a touch of pumping. Making your way through the jungle of a hostile planet, you need to collect various power ups that affect either the power of the weapon or the level of protection. All this will come in handy when disassembling with enemies. And there are many, many. So many that the game can compete even with Contra in this indicator!

In contrast to the accepted ascetic rules, the captain can use a decent arsenal of upgrades and other items:
- Shield. Restores the protective field and adds points.
- Blastola Cola. Space cola, actively advertised in the game. Increases firepower, up to 5 fire charges.
- Corkscrew. In a fiery whirlwind, it will be possible to destroy creatures crawling below the line of fire.
- The key to the door. You can't get far without it, because the doors are locked!
- Boots. Huge jumps are now real.
- Flashlight. Let's light up all the dark nooks and crannies of a crappy planet!
- Magic wand. Teleporting through walls and through gaps couldn't be easier. This is the best creation of the masters of the planet Tambi.

Not a weak arsenal, huh? Naturally, the game now receives elements of the quest, since some nooks and crannies of the planet can only be reached using the necessary item from the backpack.

In general, it turned out to be a very worthy implementation of the game, at the level of arcade platformers of the mid-80s, so Michael confirmed the first point of his guesses. Soft EGA graphics, rather docile controls, interesting level layout - all these are just pluses.


Game Name:
Adventures of Captain Comic, The
Dendy (NES)
Color Dreams
Color Dreams
Platform game
Release Date:
Number of Players: