Quite old, and therefore not very beautiful-looking toy. Top view, weapon - bow. Enemies periodically drop bags with prizes and new weapons. In the end, in a certain place of the level, a key appears, taking which you can go to the next level.
According to the plot, a villain named Shogun stole the ring of the elves, which plunged the latter into dark times. And only a warrior named Christina will be able to bring him back - you will control her in the game. The game play is similar to The Legend of Zelda - you watch what is happening from above at an almost right angle. There are not many levels, not a few ~ 125 pieces, and in order to pass each one, you need to kill a certain number of enemies - then a key will appear on the map with which you can open the door to get to the next level. After killing the monsters, there is a chance of dropping weapons, armor, potions or magic spells that will help the player in his difficult mission, the return of the stolen elf ring.