A collection containing exclusively original unofficial toys. Most of them are quite simple both in terms of the game and in technical terms.
Action 52 compilation (52 games):
- Fire Breathers;
- Star-Evil;
- Illuminator;
- G-Force Fighters;
- Oooze;
- Silver Sword;
- Critical Bypass;
- Jupiter Scope;
- Alfredo and the Fettucinni's;
- Operation Full-Moon;
- Dam Busters;
- Thrusters;
- Haunted Hills of Wentworth;
- Chill Out;
- Sharks;
- Megalonia;
- The French Baker;
- Atmos Quake;
- Meong;
- Space Dreams;
- Streammerz;
- Spread Fire;
- Bubblegum Rosie;
- Underground;
- Rocket jockey;
- Non-Human;
- Cry baby;
- Slashers;
- Crazy Shuffle;
- Fuzz power;
- Shooting Gallery;
- Lollipops;
- The Evil Empire;
- Sombrero's;
- Storm Over the Desert;
- Mash-Man;
- They Came From Outer Space;
- Laser League;
- Billy-Bob;
- City of Doom;
- Bits and Pieces;
-Beeps and Blips;
- Manchester Beat
- Dedant;
- Hambo's Adventures;
- Time Warp Tickers;
- Jigsaw;
- Ninja Assault;
- Robbie and the Robots;
- The Cheetahmen (The Action Gamemaster).
Action 52 is perhaps the only multi-game game that has different games in its composition, and not 11111 versions of one game, as on many pirated cartridges.