Isometric adventure game. We walk through the ancient land of the Aztecs, trying to find the mythical Aztec paradise. Aztec paradise, by the way, promises us eternal happiness and prosperity. Therefore, we do not hesitate to cut everyone with a sword to the right and left, not forgetting to collect what remains from the enemies (some enemies are killed only by what falls out of others). Reminds me of the first Zelda for the NES.
Somewhere deep in the jungles of Central America, lies the legendary Paradise of the Aztecs. But, no one can get there because the only way to get there is through dangerous labyrinths filled with Aztec demons, monsters and spirits. Only the cold-blooded and skillful explorer Nino dared to enter the labyrinth... with little chance of survival!
The game is essentially similar to Zelda. Also go through the maze. Which is already good. I personally rate this game somewhere around 3-4, i.е. I advise you to play it. There should be a boss at the end of the level. What let us down is the speed of the game, that's a little bit faster.