"Buzz & Waldog" (original Korean title "Koko Adventure") is an unlicensed NES game developed in South Korea and planned for release in the US market in the mid-1990s. Many experts believe that this game is the best of the non-licensed products for the NES .. "Koko Adventure" (Korean title of the game) unfortunately never made it to the US and Europe, but still managed to release its prototype during testing. Then it was dumped and the rum became freely available on the Internet, receiving quite positive reviews. The quality of the game is simply amazing considering the usual standards of unlicensed games. One has only to launch it and see even a few bright visual effects and feel the excellent character control in the first level, as a reasonable question immediately arises: why was such a high-quality product canceled?
All in all, "Buzz & Waldog" is a very high-quality platform game that captivates with its variety. Playing as the main character, you need to collect diamonds throughout the level, simultaneously crushing enemies with the corkscrew signature technique. To complete the game, you can choose one of two characters that differ only in sprites, so you have to choose between them only in appearance.