After a thousand years of peace, the Dark Lord Terarin freed himself and stole the Golden Seal, thus opening Pandora's Passage to the devilish dimension. Now, hordes of terrible monsters roam the land.
Let's! Follow in the footsteps of the mighty Jason and defeat the Dark Lord. Only you, Wonder Warrior, can restore the Seal to its place.
Long ago, in a land ruled by swords and magic, a simple shepherd boy, Jason unknowingly opened Pandora's Passage. Through these gates, hordes of various evil creatures poured into the Earth, inhabiting the Five Lands, thereby proclaiming the dominion of the Dark Lord Terarin.
Jason grew up and saw the Terarin's nightmarish army devastate the Five Lands. Realizing that he himself was the cause of all these troubles, Iason vowed to defeat Terarin and restore peace to his world.
Through his training with the White Monks, Jason became proficient with the sword and learned much about the strengths and weaknesses of the Terarin hordes. To help, the monks gave him magical weapons and armor.
After a long and heroic battle, Jason defeated Terarin and sent him to another dimension. Then his armor caught fire with gold and Jason sealed the Passage of Pandora.
The people of the Five Lands created a legend about him. Before Jason returned to serving as a shepherd again, he made a prophecy that one day Terarin would return and then, four brave warriors would have to awaken and slay him!
Are you a miracle warrior?
Not long ago, the Terarin broke free of his confinement! A wild howl of rage was heard everywhere and terror again came to the earth.
As you travel, you discover a castle where you discover your true destiny. Jason's blood flows in your veins. This alone is not enough and you will have to seriously learn the techniques of using magic and a sword!